Sat, 8 November 2014
Preregistration is the first big badge sale of the year, and the first chance for attendees to try for their chance at a golden ticket. The team took covered the event live, discussing breaking news, what the sale means for future badge events, the high and low points of the sale, and much more. If you didn't turnout for the live feed on Google+, you can watch it below. If you were, thanks for your questions! Site Links: [Google+] [] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] Show Notes: SDCC Preregistration 2015 Recap: Faster Than Ever San Diego Workforce Partnership Examines Comic-Con's Economic Impact Podcast Links: Download: 93.1MB, 1 hours 21 minutes [Direct Link] The Hosts: Kerry Dixon Kim Twomble Ben Kucharski
Direct download: SDConCast_-_Preregistration_Live_Show.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm CST |