SDConCast - The Official Podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog

WonderCon is almost upon us, and with the release of the 2015 panel schedule, that means it’s time for our annual special SDConCast episode to break down the schedule.

The team took looked at all three action-packed days of programming, tips for how to maximize your time, and even found time to discuss San Diego Comic-Con's big, bad Hotelpocalypse.

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Download: 103.2 MB, 1 hours 37 minutes [Direct Link]
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The Hosts:

Kerry Dixon
Twitter: @kerrydixon

James Riley
Twitter: @danregal

Kim Twombly
Twitter: @OutsideComicCon

Shawn Marshall
Twitter: @ParksAndCons

Direct download: SDConCast_-_Breaking_Down_The_Schedule__WonderCon_Anaheim_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:15pm CST