SDConCast - The Official Podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog

We're joined by the amazing Justin Harder of Claus Studios. We'll be discussing his art and design work, including the end titles of Deadpool, as well as his experiences at San Diego Comic-Con.

Join us as we also discuss all the latest SDCC news, exclusives, and more.

Direct download: SDConCast_180522ArtHarder.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am CST

We’re talking all about Comic-Con, comics, TV, and more as the great Mark Evanier joins us on the podcast this week. We’ll discuss how SDCC has changed over the years. Plus we’ll let Mark tell any stories he wants, including figuring out how to make a decent creamy tomato soup.

Join us as we also discuss all the latest SDCC news, exclusives, and more.

Direct download: SDConCast_180515_WereJustHereForTheTomatoSoup.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20pm CST

Welcome to Season 7 of SDConCast! This is the place for a weekly dose of San Diego Comic-Con news, opinions, and lots of A's to all your Q's. This week we'll be covering all the news so far and looking forward to what we expect and hope to see at SDCC 2018. Plus there's the special bonus of jet lagged Kerry who just returned from vacation.

Join us for an informative and likely marginally entertaining show! (Unless Kerry is *really* jet lagged)

Direct download: SDConCast_180509_TheJetLagParadox.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm CST