SDConCast - The Official Podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog

Welcome to the final episode of SDConCast before we head to San Diego Comic-Con next week. We’re going to cover the latest SDCC news and exclusives as well as answer common questions.

Join us for a fun and informative show.

Direct download: SDConCast230711HortonHearsAFinalCountdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm CST

Welcome to a special episode of the 2023 season of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. This week is Part Two of our annual “Breaking Down the SDCC Schedule” podcasts. Join the team as we look at what’s scheduled for the main panel rooms on Saturday and Sunday; give insight and analysis on room flow and when to line up; and give our dark horse picks you can use as your back-up choices – or even your main one!

Join us for a fun and informative show.

Direct download: SDConCast230709BreakingDownThe2023SchedulePartTwo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm CST

Welcome to a special episode of the 2023 season of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. This week is Part One of our annual “Breaking Down the SDCC Schedule” podcasts. Join the team as we look at what’s scheduled for the main panel rooms on Preview Night, Thursday, and Friday; give insight and analysis on room flow and when to line up; and give our dark horse picks you can use as your back-up choices – or even your main one!

Join us for a fun and informative show.

Direct download: SDConCast230707BreakingDownThe2023SchedulePartOne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm CST

This week on the show we are welcoming back Eric Goldman, Managing Editor for Fandom. We’ll talk about the TV shows of San Diego Comic-Con; which ones may show up, or won’t, how the strike may affect the con, and more. We’ll also cover all the latest SDCC news and exclusives.

Join us for a fun and informative show.

Direct download: SDConCast230705OhThePlacesYoullGoldman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:37pm CST