SDConCast - The Official Podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog

The first physical Comic-Con in over two years is in the books! We're going to talk all about the highs and lows of Comic-Con Special Edition. What worked, what didn't, where was the best Influencer Escalator, and what's it like covering the pretzel situation in real time?

Join members of the SDCC Unofficial Blog crew who were there (and Kerry!) as we discuss all things CCSE.

Direct download: SDConCast211130_ComicConSpecialEditionWrapUp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am CST

What's this? A badge sale? That's right! Comic-Con Special Edition registration is happening and we'll be there covering it live as it happens.

Join us for the first Comic-Con badge sale since 2019!

Direct download: SDConCast210925_ComicConSpecialEditionRegistration.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:47pm CST

San Diego Comic-Con has been once again gone virtual for 2021. So once again we’re bringing you all your favorite things about Comic-Con, straight to you to you. This will be a celebration with special guests from your favorite TV shows, films, and video games, as well as artists and exhibitors.

Guest Line-Up:

- Scott Shaw, illustrator
- Thomas Lennon, Reno 911!, author of Ronan Boyle book series
- Peter Santa-Maria, artist
– Aisha Tyler, Archer, Criminal Minds, director, founder of Courage+Stone
– Martin Hsu, artist
– Darin De Paul (Overwatch, Shazam!)
– Patrick Ballesteros, artist
– Julie Benson & Shawna Benson, Television (The 100, Star Trek: Prodigy) and comic book (Batgirl and the Birds of Prey) writers
– Toddland

Join us for fun, news, and come together as part of the SDCC community.

Direct download: SDConCast210724SDCCOnlineSpecialEvent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm CST

It's the final countdown to San Diego Comic-Con 2021 and we're back with all the news, views, and exclusives! This month we're joined by kawaii pop artist Truck Torrence, aka 100% Soft. We'll chat with him about creating art like his hugely popular Dumpster Fire series and everyone's favorite Marvel emojis, his SDCC experiences, and more.

Join us for a fun and informative show!

Direct download: SDConCast210713BringItOn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm CST

It's time for another heaping helping of SDCC 2021 news, views, and exclusives! This month we're joined by PR specialist and frequent panel moderator Gary Miereanu. We'll chat with him about what it's been like promoting remotely and what we can expect from WB Home Entertainment at Comic-Con@Home.

Join us for a fun and informative show!

Direct download: SDConCast210630_MeetUsAtGhirardellis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm CST

We're back for Season 10 of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. Despite SDCC 2021 going virtual again, we're going to keep on doing what we do (with a few alterations). Our special guest this month is familiar to long time viewers, the stupendous Mark Evanier. We're going to talk all things Comic-Con and more.

Join us for the kickoff of our second most unusual season yet!

Direct download: SDConCast_210525ItsDejaVuAllOverAgain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:51pm CST

WonderCon 2021 is virtual again, and that means we're back with a special live event. The SDCC Unofficial blog is once again bringing together an array of special guests for a 2+ hour telecast. We are spotlighting the #WonderConOnline effort to help all the artists and vendors who have been hit hard in the last year of no in-person conventions.

Support artists and vendors any time by checking out the #WonderConOnline hashtag on social media.

Direct download: SDConCast_210327WonderConOnline.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm CST