Tue, 7 November 2023
It's that time again, the annual ritual of anxiety. It's the San Diego Comic-Con badge sale for returning attendees. This year will hopefully go better than last with the new system. How will it go? Tune in and find out. |
Tue, 1 August 2023
Another San Diego Comic-Con is over and we're doing one more SDConCast to wrap up the 2023 season. We'll go over the highlights, regular lights, surprises, and possibly some lowlights from SDCC. Join us for a fun and hopefully coherent show. |
Wed, 12 July 2023
Welcome to the final episode of SDConCast before we head to San Diego Comic-Con next week. We’re going to cover the latest SDCC news and exclusives as well as answer common questions. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230711HortonHearsAFinalCountdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm CST |
Tue, 11 July 2023
Welcome to a special episode of the 2023 season of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. This week is Part Two of our annual “Breaking Down the SDCC Schedule” podcasts. Join the team as we look at what’s scheduled for the main panel rooms on Saturday and Sunday; give insight and analysis on room flow and when to line up; and give our dark horse picks you can use as your back-up choices – or even your main one! Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230709BreakingDownThe2023SchedulePartTwo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm CST |
Sat, 8 July 2023
Welcome to a special episode of the 2023 season of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. This week is Part One of our annual “Breaking Down the SDCC Schedule” podcasts. Join the team as we look at what’s scheduled for the main panel rooms on Preview Night, Thursday, and Friday; give insight and analysis on room flow and when to line up; and give our dark horse picks you can use as your back-up choices – or even your main one! Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230707BreakingDownThe2023SchedulePartOne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm CST |
Thu, 6 July 2023
This week on the show we are welcoming back Eric Goldman, Managing Editor for Fandom. We’ll talk about the TV shows of San Diego Comic-Con; which ones may show up, or won’t, how the strike may affect the con, and more. We’ll also cover all the latest SDCC news and exclusives. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230705OhThePlacesYoullGoldman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:37pm CST |
Wed, 28 June 2023
This week on the show we are welcoming back Germain Lussier, Senior Reporter covering entertainment for Gizmodo and io9. We’ll talk about the movies of San Diego Comic-Con; which ones may show up, or won’t, how the strike will affect the con, and more. We’ll also cover all the latest SDCC news and exclusives. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230627CloudyWithaChanceofMovies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm CST |
Wed, 21 June 2023
This week we are welcoming KAP Media Group to the show, who have put wraps all over the Gaslamp during San Diego Comic-Con over the years, including 18 locations in 2022 featuring The Rings of Power, Star Trek, Teen Wolf, Krapopolis, and more. We’re joined by Lori Brabant (Founder and CEO), and Kelly Reynolds (Partner, Strategic Business Development) to talk all aspects of wrapping up San Diego Comic-Con, from designing and producing to installing and removing wraps. We’ll also cover all the latest news and exclusives. Join us for a fun and informative show. |
Wed, 14 June 2023
This week we are welcoming multiple guests to the show. First up we have Daniel Shaughnessy, Director of Sales & Marketing for Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina to discuss preparing and running a hotel during San Diego Comic-Con. Then, in a pre-recorded interview, we have writer Paul Cornell and Tom Peyer, Editor-In-Chief at Ahoy Comics, to discuss Paul's upcoming comic Con and On, their experiences at SDCC, and more. We’ll also cover all the latest news and exclusives. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230613TheHotelTheComicAndTheConvention.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm CST |
Thu, 8 June 2023
This week we are welcoming the award-winning NVE Experience Agency, who has put on several of your favorite offsites at San Diego Comic-Con over the years, including last year’s Dungeons & Dragons, as well as previous activations for Amazon Fire, IMDboat, The Tick, and more. We’re joined by Brett Hyman (President), and Florencia Sadler (Director of Production) to talk producing and running offsites/activations at San Diego Comic-Con, from what makes a good offsite to how to run an effective line management system. We’ll also cover all the latest news and exclusives. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230606_WhereTheOffsiteLineEnds.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm CST |
Sat, 3 June 2023
This episode originally aired on our Patreon. Have you ever wanted to order a commission, and felt intimidated or unsure how or where to start? Or maybe you have ordered commissions, and are just looking for some tips. In this special bonus episode which originally aired on our Patreon, Kerry and Erin offer suggestions for ordering commissions, and show off some of your own! |
Thu, 1 June 2023
This week on SDConCast we are joined by Eric Powell, creator of The Goon and the Albatross Funnybooks imprint — as well as one of his biggest fans (who also happens to be an actor, writer, producer, and novelist of the Ronan Boyle series), Thomas Lennon. We’ll hear their stories about writing, creating art, and SDCC. We’ll also cover all the latest news, exclusives, and more. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230531_ThomasandtheAwesomeIncredibleTotallyCoolVeryTalentedArtist.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:44pm CST |
Wed, 24 May 2023
Have you ever wondered how a giant inflatable Ozzy Osbourne is made? Or where it goes when it’s no longer on the Promenade during San Diego Comic-Con? Or if you’re Drax, you might wonder why is inflatable? This week on SDConCast we are welcoming Shawn McEachern, President of Inflatable Design Group, to find out the answer to some of these questions. We’ll also cover all the latest SDCC news, exclusives, offsites, and more. Join us for a fun and informative show.
Direct download: SDConCast230523_JamesAndTheGiantInflatablePeach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm CST |
Thu, 18 May 2023
Welcome to week two of the 2022 season of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. This week we’re joined by Gary Sassaman, former Director of multiple departments at Comic-Con International, including Director of Programming (2000-2007), Director of Print and Publications (2007-2012), and Director of Print and Digital Media (2012-2021), to talk about his time at SDCC. Just what does it take to make a Souvenir Book? What has Gary been up to since retirement? We’ll discuss all of that and more, as well as the latest SDCC news and exclusives. You can find Gary’s final installment of his My Life in Comics series on his blog, Innocent Bystander, which just wrapped up today and covers his time at Comic-Con International, his career as a small press comics creator and publisher, and more. It’s a great read, with an in-depth look behind the curtain into the worlds of Comic-Con and independent publishing. Join us for a fun and informative show!
Direct download: SDConCast230516_OhThePublicationsYouveMade.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:51am CST |
Wed, 10 May 2023
Welcome to Season 12 of SDConCast, the official podcast of the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog. We’re kicking off as we have the last few years with special guest Mark Evanier. We’ll discuss what he has in store for SDCC in addition to memories from past cons. We’ll also cover the latest SDCC news. Join us for a fun and informative show as we return to a weekly schedule leading up to SDCC 2023! |
Sun, 2 April 2023
WonderCon has come and gone for 2023 and the UBlog team is here to wrap it up. We'll discuss the good, the bad, and the exclusives. Plus a heaping helping of what we thought of the exhibit floor, panels, and everything in between. Join us for an informative show!
Direct download: SDConCast230330_WonderCon2023WrapUpShow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:54pm CST |
Thu, 16 March 2023
Join the SDConCast for the first special edition podcast of 2023. We're breaking down the WonderCon panel schedule with highlights of the big rooms, what panels you might have overlooked, and of course, our dark horse picks. Tune in for an information packed show.
Direct download: SDConCast_230314_WonderCon2023ScheduleBreakdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24am CST |